Spatiul romanesc predomina istoric de represiunea homosexualitatii. Astfel, culturile popoarelor care au invadat spatiul dacic, fiind culturi nedezvoltate nu reusesc sa ofere o corectitudine politica rezultata prin educatie.
Acceptarea pe deplin a homosexualitatii in spatiul dacic are loc odata cu transformarea Daciei in Provincie Romana si astfel avand parte de o dezvoltare atat economica cat si sociala si culturala.
Despre imparatul Traian isoricul Dio Cassius spune: ,,Ştiu, bineînţeles, că era devotat băieţilor şi vinului, dar dacă ar fi făcut vreodată ceva josnic ar fi fost criticat; în realitate el a băut cât a vrut însă a rămas sobru, şi în relaţiile lui cu băieţii nu a făcut rău nimănui." (Dio Cassius, Istoria romana, 68.7.4)
Evul Mediu:
Ulterior, Evul Mediu duce in regres social si spatiul romanesc iar crestinizarea de catre sfantul Andrei si pozitionarea pe granita religiilor (scutul anti-musulman) amplifica bigotismul. Exista dovezi ale pedepsirii dure a actelor homosexuale desi doar in cazul saracimii, boierimea bucurandu-se de toate privilegiile sexuale.
Totusi, exemple ale homosexualitatii din perioada respectiva pot fi regasite in cartea lui Dan Horia Mazilu, ,,Voievodul, dincolo de sala tronului” in care se vorbeste despre orientatile diferite de majoritate ale lui:
Vlad Tepes (se relateaza ca impreuna cu fratele sau Radu, Vlad Tepes a fost violat la Adrianopole la curtea sultanului Murat al 2-lea ca pedeapsa pentru nesupunerea fata de imperiu provocandu-i acestuia traume si ajungandu-se sa fie acuzat de Biserica de ,,spurcata sodomie” pentru ca viola la randul sau prizonierii otomani),
Radu cel Frumos (,,cel Frumos” fiind o porecla rezultata din trasaturile si comportamentul efeminat al domnului),
Iliasi Rares (care s-ar fi convertit la islamism pentru a beneficia de favoruri sexuale),
Mihnea Turcitul (presupus amant al lui Chinan-Pasa),
Alexandru Iliasi (care ar fi apelat la serviciile prostituatilor, cel mai cunoscut fiind un homosexual grec Batistel Veveli) sau
Stefanita Lupu.
Incepand cu secolul XIX in Europa circulau doua coduri penale, Codul Napoleonic ce nu interzicea relatiile intre persoane de acelasi si legile pe model englez ce mentionau pedespe drastice in aceasta privinta mergandu-se pana la pedeapsa capitala (aplicata pana la sfarsitul sec. al XIX-lea).
Codul Penal promulgat de Alexandru Ioan Cuza (1864), inspirat din sistemul francez nu stipuleaza nicio pedeapsa pentru actele homosexuale. Un alt Cod Penal, aplicat in Transilvania aminteste doar de violul homosexual: ,,Articolul 242: Constituie crimă de acte impudice nefireşti, care se pedepseşte cu recluziunea până la cinci ani, când asemenea acte se săvârşesc între bărbaţi, prin violenţă sau ameninţări, iar dacă crima a pricinuit moartea părţii vătămate, cu temniţă grea pe viaţă."
Despre Codul Penal revizuit dupa 1918, juristul Vasile Dongoloz spune (in ,,Articol despre Pederastie", Curierul Judiciar, nr. 6, 9 februarie 1930, Bucureşti): "Codul nostru penal actual a urmat sistemul Codului francez, adică actele sexuale contra naturii sunt din punct de vedere penal sancţionate în aceleaşi situaţiuni când devin pedepsibile şi relaţiile sexuale normale. Aşadar, numai atunci când se constată ca atare că actele au fost săvârşite cu violenţă (art. 263 CP) sau în aşa chip încât s-a adus un ultragiu public contra pudoarei (art. 262 CP), ele vor cădea sub rigorile legii penale."
Incriminarea homosexualitatii apare abia odată cu Codul lui Carol al II-lea din 1937 (art. 431):
„alin. 1: Actele de inversiune sexuală săvârşite între bărbaţi sau între femei, dacă provoacă scandal public, constituiesc delictul de inversiune sexuală şi se pedepsesc cu închisoare corecţională de la 6 luni la 2 ani.
alin. 2: Dacă actul s-a săvârşit asupra unei persoane mai mici de 18 ani, pedeapsa este închisoare corecţională de la 1 la 3 ani.
alin. 3: Aceeaşi pedeapsă prevăzută la alineatul precedent se aplică şi în cazul când actul s-a săvârşit asupra unei persoane mai mici de 14 ani chiar dacă nu s-a produs scandal public.“
In perioada comunista legea homofoba este nu doar pastrata dar si inasprita, Codului Penal promulgat in 1957 disparandu-i conditionarea ,,scandalului public” astfel incat orice relatie homosexuala fiind incriminata.
In 1968, Marea Adunare Nationala elaboreaza o versiune complet revizuita a Codului Penal iar actele sexuale intre persoane de acelasi sex sunt considerate infractiuni contra persoanei si pedepsite prin articolul 200 ,,relaţiile sexuale între persoane de acelaşi sex se pedepsesc cu închisoare de la unu la cinci ani" Despre homosexualii acelei perioade si abuzurile comise in inchisorile nu se vorbeste mai deloc dar putinele amintiri facute publice sunt cumplite (vezi ,,Fenomenul Pitesti” de Virgil Ierunca sau ,,Homofobia” de Marius Balan).
Abia in anul 2001, la presiunea ONG-urilor sustinute de Uniunea Europeana, in Romania este abrogat articolul din Codul Penal care incrimina homosexualitatea, cum mult mai taziu decat alte tari (Bulgaria 1951, Ungaria si Cehoslovacia 1961, Anglia 1967 sau tari ca Japonia sau China unde nu a existat niciodata o astfel de lege).
In 27 iunie 2006 a fost votata in Parlament legea antidiscriminare dar Romania ramane una din tarile cu nivelul cel mai crescut de discriminare din Europa iar imaginile transmise pe posturile occidentale cu ultrasi aruncand cu pietre la Gay Fest-ul din 2007 stau ca marturie a modului in care suntem inca tratati.
Radu cel frumos ar fi fost iubitul lui Mehmed(Mahomed) al II-lea, cuceritorul Constantinopolului (Istanbulul de azi), conform unui cronicar grec.
La curtea lui Radu se gaseau si giuvani (amant homosexual), conform unui cronicar roman.
In 2001 legea care incrimina homosexualitatea a fost scoasa pt ca SUA a decis sa trimita la Bucuresti un ambasador gay (michael guest) si autoritatile romane nu au dorit sa se faca de rusine fata de SUA, altfel retragerea legii s-ar fi facut cel mai probabil in ultimul moment dinainte de aderarea la UE.
Am uitat sa specific. Chestia cu michael guest am auzit-o la gay pride 2008, si apoi wikipedia mi-a confirmat.
În Evul Mediu, n'a fost tocmai asa de asprä treaba. Vocabularul românesc stä martor al cäsätoriilor între doi bärbati ori douä femei, ba chiar al unui bärbat cu o femeie - dupä modelul gay.
Ceremonia se cheamä înfârtare (nu înfrätire) pentru bärbati si însurare pentru femei. Cum aceasta dädea fârtatilor si suratelor drepturi mai mari decât cununatilor, s'a ajuns ca si eterosexualii sä cearä aceeasi ceremonie; iatä de unde bärbatii "se însoarä" (adicä-si ieau suratä).
Märturii din Gheorghe Cront (scrise cu perdea, cä era pe vremea regimului), rescrise de John Boswell, care pune în luminä practica si la alte popoare balcanice.
Slujba înfârtärii/însurärii se afla în Euhologiu/Molitvelnic între logodnä si cununie, si a fost scoasä afarä din în urma mai multor enciclice ale patriarhului de la C-pol; în prima se plângea cä crestinii se înfârtau cu turcii, în urmätoarele apare limpede omofobia.
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The enterprise delivers one particular [url=]deal gia re[/url] for each and every doing work working day in every and every of the marketplaces it serves. The Groupon features as an assurance contract utilizing ThePoint's system: if a particular variety of individuals indicator up for the provide, then the supply will get to be offered to all if the predetermined minimum is not met, no 1 receives the offer that day. This lowers danger for merchants, who can take treatment of the discount coupons as amount price reduction charges as efficiently as merchandise product sales marketing and advertising gear. Groupon makes income by striving to hold approximately fifty p.c the revenue the buyer pays for the coupon.
For case in point, an $eighty therapeutic massage could be obtained by the customer for $forty by way of Groupon, and then Groupon and the retailer would split the $forty. That is, the retailer provides a massage valued at $eighty and receives about $twenty from Groupon for it (beneath a fifty%/fifty% split). Or, if $240 genuinely worth of home portray providers is acquired by the customer for $50 by way of Groupon, then the organization gets $25 and Groupon retains $20 5. The client receives the therapeutic therapeutic massage, or the home portray services, in these illustrations, from the retailer for which they originally compensated $forty (or $50) to Groupon. There are certain firms to which Groupon at very first did not supply its vendors, which includes using images ranges and strip golfing products however, capturing ranges have been showcased on Groupon.
In contrast to categorised advertising and marketing and advertising, the services provider does not shell out any upfront cost to participate: Groupon collects personalised details from completely ready clients and then contacts only people customers, mainly by working day-to-working day electronic mail, who could probably be interested in a particular goods or service.
Groupon employs a massive variety of copywriters who draft descriptions for the special discounts highlighted by e-mail and on the web site. Groupon's marketing text for the 'deals' has been witnessed as a contributing factor to the popularity of the web site, showcasing a special mix of complete reality-examining and witty humor.
Owing to Groupon's marketplace area presently becoming largely composed of girl customers, the deals are often concentrated on the wellness, actual physical health and fitness and magnificence marketplaces.
There are potential troubles with the enterprise merchandise. For situation in level, a successful offer could briefly swamp a tiny company with as properly numerous customers, jeopardizing a chance that clientele will be dissatisfied, or that there won't be ample products to fulfill the need to have. Hole, a huge clothes retailer, was in a placement to control 445,000 price reduction codes in a countrywide offer (even though it experienced server difficulties at one particular stage), but a more compact sized business could develop to be all of a sudden flooded with purchasers. one espresso keep in Portland, Oregon struggled with an boost in customers for 3 months, when it marketed around to 1,000 Groupons on the 1 day it was provided, according to a solitary report. In reaction to relevant concerns, Groupon officers situation that 'deal' subscriptions need to be capped in progress to a smart quantity.
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The group provides a single [url=]muachung hai phong[/url] for each day in every and each and every of the marketplaces it serves. The Groupon capabilities as an assurance contract producing use of ThePoint's technique: if a certain quantity of folks indicator up for the offer, then the offer you gets accessible to all if the predetermined bare bare minimum is not fulfilled, no one gets the offer that working working day. This lowers possibility for suppliers, who can take care of the coupons as quantity price reduction charges as properly as revenue promoting equipment. Groupon makes earnings by retaining about fifty percent the money the consumer pays for the coupon.
For circumstance in point, an $eighty therapeutic therapeutic massage could be received by the customer for $forty by way of Groupon, and then Groupon and the retailer would break up the $40. That is, the retailer provides a therapeutic therapeutic massage valued at $eighty and receives about $twenty from Groupon for it (beneath a 50%/fifty% crack up). Or, if $240 effectively really worth of house painting remedies is purchased by the customer for $fifty by means of Groupon, then the organization will get $20 5 and Groupon keeps $25. The consumer will get the therapeutic massage, or the property portray provider, in these illustrations, from the retailer for which they originally paid $forty (or $fifty) to Groupon. There are specified companies to which Groupon originally did not offer its remedies, this sort of as taking pictures ranges and strip golfing equipment nevertheless, capturing ranges have been highlighted on Groupon.
Not like labeled advertising and advertising and marketing, the service provider does not pay out any upfront expenditure to get component: Groupon collects non-public details from well prepared buyers and then contacts only men and women customers, mainly by daily e-mail, who may possibly potentially perhaps be fascinated in a particular resolution or support.
Groupon employs a huge assortment of copywriters who draft descriptions for the bargains showcased by e-mail and on the internet internet site. Groupon's promoting textual content for the 'deals' has been observed as a contributing facet to the popularity of the web internet site, showcasing a special blend of complete fact-analyzing and witty humor.
Owing to Groupon's market place getting mainly composed of woman buyers, the gives are typically centered on the general well being, well being and health and class markets.
There are possible issues with the firm product. For illustration, a effective offer could briefly swamp a modest business with too many customers, risking a possibility that clientele will be dissatisfied, or that there won't be enough merchandise to meet the desire from buyers. Gap, a massive clothing retailer, was completely ready to deal with 445,000 price reduction codes in a national supply (even though it knowledgeable server difficulties at one place), but a more compact business could change out to be out of the blue flooded with buyers. A solitary espresso store in Portland, Oregon struggled with an improve in buyers for a few months, when it bought close to 1,000 Groupons on the one day it was provided, in accordance to one particular specific report. In response to equal difficulties, Groupon officials point out that 'deal' subscriptions ought to be capped in progress to a realistic variety.
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